
What are some important manual handling techniques that everyone should follow?

Manual handling is commonly used in our lives. We all lift, carry, move, push, pull and shift the loads from one place to the other. While pulling, pushing and moving heavy loads, we can also get injuries sometimes. Some injuries last lifetime. So, it is important to take precautions in order to avoid these injuries. Some people get manual handling train the trainer course and get full training to carry out the manual handling in the most effective ways and to avoid the injuries. While some people who do not get these kind of courses, should follow some techniques to carry out safe manual handling. For the safety of my readers, I have got 7 important manual handling techniques that everyone should follow:

  1. Plan the lift

Always plan the lift before moving the load. Do not just rush into lifting the load. Think before lifting. Can you lift the load without another person’s help? Assess the distance that you will cover. Also, make sure that you are wearing the right shoes and your hands are not slippery.

Manual Handling Train the Trainer Course1

  1. Remove the obstructions or hurdles from your way

Always remove the obstructions or hurdles form your way before lifting the load otherwise there are chances that you can get injured. Remove extra things from your way so that you can move the load without any stress.

  1. Adopt a good standing position

Adopt a good standing position before lifting the load. A wrong position can get you back or muscle injuries. Keep the heaviest side of the load towards you and slightly move one leg forward. Adopt a good posture, slightly bend your knees and back, do not bend your back and knees too much. Otherwise, you may get injured.

  1. Firmly grip the load

It is very important to firmly grip the load. A loose grip can cause you to leave the load and get yourself injured. Open your arms and hold the load with your hands. Do not put the whole weight on your fingers. Keep the elbows close to the load. Keep one side of the load close to your chest. A firm grip would make it easier for you to move the load safely.

  1. Avoid flexing or twisting your back or leaning sideways

When you are lifting the load or taking the load to its destination, avoid flexing or twisting your back or leaning sideways otherwise, you may get back injuries.

  1. Move the load

Keep your head up and stay focused on your destination then move the load smoothly.

  1. Put down the load slowly and smoothly

Once you have reached your destination, lower the load slowly without hurting your fingers. Keep your back straight and knees bent.

If you are someone who gets to shift load from one place to the other on daily basis or you have a job that involves manual handling, you can get Manual handling train the trainer course from a very well-known institute Train My Trainer. They will train you to carry out the manual handling training in the most effective ways. There would be no chance for you to get injuries.

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